Pausing between transmissions is "key" to reliable multimode digital voice communications on the KR4CHS repeater.1
QSOs that adhere to the following practice will make QSOs better for all operators and enhance communication.
Here are some other helpful operating practices.
Be aware of what your display is telling you. If an operator tries to break in a name or call might be seen momentarily on your display even if no voice is heard.
Be patient and work together to pass the QSO to next speaker to avoid doubling.
If possible place hotspots at home QTH on a RJ45 connection.
Use the Calibrate option in the hotspot software to set offset the best you can get it.
Be particularly aware of keeping the PTT engaged during your transmission.
D-STAR operators direct to repeater or on a hotspot must be on the Gateway. Contact us if you need assistance.
If there is a dropout mid sentence during a transmission, wait because it will probably come back if given a few seceonds.
Quick keying will not get good results when on a Reflector or Repeater connected to a Reflector especially one that performs transcoding (KR4CHS on XRF517A) and in addition quick keying will make it difficult for others to break in and participate.↩︎